Soft ware. Hard facts.


For us, SaaS means FaaS. Or to be precise: Finstar as a service. In keeping with the concept of shared economy, our banking software is no longer owned by each customer, but used by several. Thanks to state-of-the-art cloud technology and infrastructure, Finstar® is flexibly and reliably available in terms of functionalities, place of use and time of use.

«With Finstar® and third-party modules, you choose from a comprehensive range of innovative tools. You combine these to create your own customized solution.»

Along with the intensity of usage, you simultaneously set the costs as well. Instead of financing applications that are best used by others, you pay for what you need – for the implementation of your strategy and for the processing of your transactions. You purchase precisely as much Finstar® as you require for your long-term success. Any more software as a service would be impossible. That is why we also call it Finstar as a service.

Not sure which modules are needed for your business? Contact us for a Software as a Service consultation.
