Digital customer onboarding in under 2 minutes

Finstar solutions for customer identification and account opening via digital channels. Choose what suits you best.

Location- and time-bound attendance and lots of paper for customer identification are a thing of the past with Finstar's digital customer onboarding. Until now, in order to acquire a new bank customer, customers always had to appear in person and sign in front of the customer advisor. This process is often cumbersome and time-consuming for bank customers. Finstar offers digital onboarding that can be used with currently five different means of identification: Video Identification, Online Identification, Offline Paper (e.g. SBB/Post), Offline Digital (e.g. Post ID) or by means of a delegation to the partner (e.g. EVV). The video and online onboarding process complies with FINMA regulatory requirements.

Out of the Box or Custom Solution.

Finstar can provide their customers with an already operational web-based front-end, or the customer can custom integrate the functionality into their own front-end via REST APIs as desired.

Proven and Experienced

With our technology, more than 250'000 bank customers have already been successfully opened. We know the issues and can draw on many years of experience as a bank. This makes us efficient and fast.

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We have our finger on the pulse

FINMA and the SBA set the regulatory standards and we provide our feedback on the proposals.

Added value with multi-channel

With digital identification, you offer customers the opportunity to open and identify conveniently from anywhere and at any time.

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Efficiency gain

Automated rule-based control increases process quality. Compliance by design means fewer clarifications and queries.

Benefits of digital onboarding

Advanced recognition with face biometrics increases quality of customer identification. Also, location and time can be chosen by the customer.

Advantages of video onboarding

It is a digital and also personal identification. The place can be chosen by the customer and therefore the video onboarding is time-saving and efficient.

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